Plan Partners
A change of positioning to accelerate growth.
Plan Partners specialises in providing financial-plan management and support coordination to people with disability.
Looking to accelerate growth, and reach a target of 3,500 customers by mid 2018, a new positioning and visual identity was required for the business. This needed appeal to customers, service providers, other similar organisations, and most importantly, the team at Plan Partners.
Realising potential.
The new positioning ‘Realising Potential’, connected on a number of levels. It enabled the business to realise, in many different ways, how to achieve more for customers, service providers and other organisations.
A range of graphic line shapes in highlight colours achieved stand out, and formed the basis of the visual expression. These graphic lines were derived from the new symbol which suggested a range of connections to the customer.
Plan Partners exceeded their targets shortly after launch and has recently relocated its headquarters to larger offices.
Brand Strategy | Visual Identity | Communication Design